Welcome to the TinyTalk classes of
Lisa Mathias

Hi, I’m Lisa, your local TinyTalk teacher. Baby Signing classes are suitable from newborn with little ones moving onto our Toddler Talking classes from around 18 months until pre-school age. Classes include singing, signing, props, puppets, scarves, music, bubbles, mirrors, sensory shapes, instruments, books and much more! This is followed by playtime and refreshments. Class costs are per family per hour session (no extra for twins or siblings).

The full class schedule including dates for bookings can
be viewed at bookwhen.com/tinytalksuttoncoldfield

I began signing with my first child, Mary-Kay, when she was four months old. She made her first sign, at 9 months when she woke up from her nap and signed to daddy that she wanted ‘milk’. Shortly after she was able to confidently tell us when she wanted milk, juice, food or bed. Over the next few months, she signed ‘duck’, ‘all gone’, ‘toast’, ‘bird’, ‘flower’, ‘dog’, ‘teddy bear’ and ‘fish’. From then on, there was a sudden explosion of signs, with new ones practically every day. By 16 months old she had between 40-50 signs and around 20 words or animal sounds, and just a month later over 80 signs and 50 words. She would even ask for ‘more’ ‘signs’! By her 2nd birthday, she could sign over 200 words and say over 500, speaking in 3 or more word sentences and describing things by size, colour, loudness etc. We started signing with Harriet straight away, and she made her first sign, also 'milk' at just 12 weeks old!!!! This was quickly followed by 'bath', 'nappy', 'daddy' and 'mummy' by 4 months.

Meet Lisa...

Children:Mary-Kay (15) and Harriet (13)

Location:Boldmere/Erdington border, Four Oaks and Lichfield.

Favourite Sign:Please and Thank you. It's never too early to teach your little one good manners!

Qualifications:BSc (Hons) Human Biology & Psychology. QTS-Science. BSL Level 1 & 2.

Favourite Film:The Beach

Pet Hate:People who push in queues or nick your parking spot.

Secret Passion:Signing to pop songs (though not that secret if you've seen my videos on Social Media!!!!)

I most admire:Mums-the job's a lot harder than it looks!

I love baby signing because:it allows your baby to communicate with you and makes you realise just how clever and funny they are!

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Our current classes:

Baby Signing

In-person class

Monday, 11:00am - 12:00pm

Chester Road Baptist Church Chester Road Sutton Coldfield B73 5HU

£8.00 per family per class
£56.00 for this term's classes
In-person class

Wednesday, 10:00am - 11:00am

Tesco Extra Lichfield - Community Space Church Street Lichfield. WS13 6DZ

£8.00 per family per class
£52.50 for this term's classes
In-person class

Friday, 11:15am - 12:15pm

Four Oaks Methodist Church 155 Lichfield Road Four Oaks B74 2UU

£8.00 per family per class
£56.00 for this term's classes

Toddler Talking

In-person class

Monday, 9:45am - 10:45am

Chester Road Baptist Church Chester Road Sutton Coldfield B73 5HU

£8.00 per family per class
£56.00 for this term's classes
In-person class

Friday, 9:45am - 10:45am

Four Oaks Methodist Church 155 Lichfield Road Four Oaks B74 2UU

£8.00 per family per class
£0.00 for this term's classes

Our term dates

  • Dates this term
  • 24 February - 11 April
  • Dates next term
  • 28 April - 23 May

Please complete this form to enquire about the class detailed below. Click the 'SUBMIT' button to
send the form details to me and I will then contact you shortly.


Here are the details of your place for the term*. Please make sure that you have your credit card or PayPal account details ready. Then just click the Buy Now button below to proceed to the PayPal payment website.

(* or the rest of the term if the term has begun.)


Please fill out the form below to book your place for the term*. After pressing 'PROCEED TO
at the bottom, you'll be directed to a payment page. Please ensure you have
read the terms and conditions before booking. Thanks!

(* or the rest of the term if the term has begun.)

Please fill out the form below. We'll then contact you if a place becomes free.