Welcome to the TinyTalk classes of
Mollie Prior

I'm Mollie and I am your teacher for Evesham, Droitwich & Worcester North!

I discovered signing with my son Henry and I couldn't believe from such a young age he was able to tell me when he wanted his *milk* or that he wanted *more* food. No more tears trying to communicate his needs to me, we had signing! At 2 years old, he was able to use over 150 signs alongside an emerging vocabulary and now
he's in primary school he has amazing speech and language skills and his reading his incredible.

I couldn't imagine our lives without signing, from simple things like telling us that he was hungry to more complicated sentences such as Mummy is cooking his food or that he could hear the dog barking. Once your baby has learnt to ‘talk’ you'll find they have plenty to say! Signing enriches your parent and baby bond and develops amazing communication. It is most effective when family and friends get involved too and wherever we went Henry happily showed off his signing skills and won round the most steadfast of cynics!

The importance of baby signing really hit home when Henry was in hospital with breathing difficulties when he was 15 months old. He was very poorly requiring oxygen before they diagnosed a chest infection. Thanks to ‘Miss Polly had a Dolly...’ which we had learnt in class, we were able to tell Henry he was *sick*, introduce the *doctor* and that he was going to get some *medicine*. A few hours after Henry had received his antibiotics he sat bolt upright and signed *food* for the first time! I have never been so proud (or so relieved!).

The first half of your class is full of signing, singing and sensory activities. By learning the signs through song, it makes them easy to remember and a lot more fun for babies (and parents!). We also have lots of interactive sensory elements in our classes too such as finding our faces with mirrors and playing peekaboo under our silky scarves. We always celebrate our new signing stories in the group which is a great encouragement and our clever babies can earn their own certificates!

The second half of the class is a social time for parents and babies with toys to play with and hot drinks and refreshments. If it's the only hot drink you have had all week (we’ve all been there!) it makes it all the more special. Our social time is a chance to chat and meet other local parents and realise that perhaps you are not the only one going through some of the trials of parenthood!

Tiny Talk is ready to help you understand your baby and enrich your lives through signing. With baby signing you have to see it to believe it so get in touch and book your first class today and find out what your baby would like to say to you!

See our clever babies in action and find out more about us on our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/Tinytalkeveshamdroitwichworcesternorth. After your enquiry PLEASE CHECK YOUR SPAM/JUNK FOLDERS FOR RESPONSES, our emails can sometimes get lost!

Meet Mollie...

Children:Henry, aged 8

Location:Evesham, Droitwich & Worcester North

Favourite Sign:Bouncing! (Ten little monkeys bouncing on the bed...my favourite song!)

Qualifications:BA Hons Photography, PGCE Post Compulsory Education

Favourite Film:The Sound of Music (I know!)

Pet Hate:Chips without tomato sauce...why?!

Secret Passion:Dancing...if only I could go on Strictly, I would love to learn how to ballroom dance

I most admire:Parents for being multi-taskers, comforters, cuddlers and superhuman whilst making it all look easy!

I love baby signing because:I can't imagine my life without it. It enabled my son to communicate me from such an early age (even it that was 'food! food! more! food!) It really does change lives.

Read more about MollieCLOSE THIS PANEL

Our current classes:

Baby Signing

In-person class

Monday, 11:00am - 12:00pm

Cropthorne & Charlton Village Hall, Main Street, Pershore, WR10 3NH

£8.50 per family per class
In-person class

Monday, 12:20pm - 1:20pm

Cropthorne & Charlton Village Hall, Main Street, Pershore, WR10 3NH

£8.50 per family per class
In-person class

Tuesday, 11:00am - 12:00pm

Norton Parish Hall Wadborough Rd, Norton, Littleworth, Worcester WR5 2QB

£8.50 per family per class
In-person class

Wednesday, 11:00am - 12:00pm

Droitwich Methodist Church, Amphlett House, Worcester Rd Droitwich, WR9 8AN

£8.50 per family per class
In-person class

Saturday, 11:00am - 12:00pm

Crowle Parish Hall Church Rd, Crowle, Worcester WR7 4AZ

£8.50 per family per class
Note:Classes run twice a month, please contact for details. Payment for the classes you book, no termly sign up required.

Toddler Talking

In-person class

Monday, 9:30am - 10:30am

Cropthorne & Charlton Village Hall, Main Street, Pershore, WR10 3NH

£8.50 per family per class
In-person class

Tuesday, 9:30am - 10:30am

Norton Parish Hall Wadborough Rd, Norton, Littleworth, Worcester WR5 2QB

£8.50 per family per class
In-person class

Wednesday, 9:30am - 10:30am

Droitwich Methodist Church, Amphlett House, Worcester Rd Droitwich, WR9 8AN

£8.50 per family per class
In-person class

Saturday, 9:30am - 10:30am

Crowle Parish Hall Church Rd, Crowle, Worcester WR7 4AZ

£8.50 per family per class
Note:Classes run twice a month, please contact for details.

Our term dates

  • Dates this term
  • 24 February - 19 April

Please complete this form to enquire about the class detailed below. Click the 'SUBMIT' button to
send the form details to me and I will then contact you shortly.


Here are the details of your place for the term*. Please make sure that you have your credit card or PayPal account details ready. Then just click the Buy Now button below to proceed to the PayPal payment website.

(* or the rest of the term if the term has begun.)


Please fill out the form below to book your place for the term*. After pressing 'PROCEED TO
at the bottom, you'll be directed to a payment page. Please ensure you have
read the terms and conditions before booking. Thanks!

(* or the rest of the term if the term has begun.)

Please fill out the form below. We'll then contact you if a place becomes free.