Welcome to the TinyTalk classes of
Therese Markham


Hello I'm Thérèse your local TinyTalk teacher. I'm also mum to ex-TinyTalkers Hannah (21) and Max (17). I've been teaching TinyTalk classes for19 years and still love each and every class!

I first read about baby signing when Hannah was 6 months old. I thought it sounded wonderful, too good to be true in fact, that she'd be able to tell me what she
wanted before she could speak. At 15 months Hannah had a signing vocabulary of over 50 signs with favourites being milk, more, bird, rain, bath and daddy. Baby signing helped us avoid the frustration babies feel when they try to communicate and we adults are unable to understand them. She could tell me when she was thirsty or hungry or when she was tired. She could even say 'please' when she wanted something! Wonderful!! I started signing to Max when he was just 6 days old, 'milk' and 'bed' were the first signs. He initially watched with great interest and finger wiggling! It was very exciting when he made his first sign 'bed' at 8 months. By the time he was 12 months old he had lots of signs under his belt, 'daddy', 'car', 'stop' and 'food' being his favourites.

The TinyTalk Newborn Communication Workshop is a fascinating journey through your tiny baby’s world and gentle introduction to the invaluable world of baby signing. The next 6 week workshop will commence in June 2025. Your baby must be 12 weeks (age adjusted if prem) or under at the start of the workshop. Places are limited and subject to availability it is possible to join the workshop partway through.

TinyTalk Baby Signing classes, suitable from birth, are a fun and relaxed hour long singing to well-known nursery rhymes and actions songs, using BSL signs. The weekly sensory activities (including scarves, bubbles and much more) are designed to encourage babies development and help promote early communication. Social time follows: playtime for the babies (toys provided) and chat time for the grown ups (refreshments provided). The grown ups love the hot drink that's made for them, as well as the chocolate biscuits that are available! Social time is a great way to meet like minded grown ups and make friends.

Our Toddler Talking classes (suitable for the more mobile toddler approx 18mths +) are great fun too with lots of action songs, books, games, even a parachute! We work on speech development as well as listening skills, social skills, co-ordination, sharing and turn taking.

Please contact me to find out how you can join in with all the TinyTalk fun in 2025!

07889 626553

Meet Therese...

Children:Hannah (21) and Max (16)

Location:Warrington, Newton le Willows and Lymm

Favourite Sign:Please / Thank you! Your child will have manners before they can talk!!

Qualifications:BSL Level 1

Favourite Film:Finding Nemo - after having 2 children my memory is as good as Dory's!! Oh and the Blues Brothers!

Pet Hate:People parking in mother & baby spaces without children! Grrrrrr!

Secret Passion:Reading! Now my children are older I have a little time to indulge myself with a good book.

I most admire:Mums with more than 2 children - how do you cope and stay sane?!

I love baby signing because:It gave me a window into my children's minds. I knew what they wanted, needed or could see. They were both happy, less frustrated babies and I was a happy, less frustrated Mummy!

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Our current classes:


In-person class

Friday, 12:45pm - 1:45pm

St James' Church Hall Canons Road Great Sankey Warrington WA5 1EU

£9.00 per family per class
Note:**NEXT WORKSHOP STARTING FRIDAY 28th FEBRUARY 2025** Places are very limited and must be pre-booked. Contact me for availability. This is a TinyTalk newborns workshop for babies aged 12 weeks and under.
Directions:The church is opposite Hood Lane North, on the right side of the road when travelling from Cromwell Avenue.

Baby Signing

In-person class

Tuesday, 11:30am - 12:30pm

St Thomas' Church Hall Ellesmere Road Stockton Heath Warrington WA4 6DS

£7.50 per family per class
Note:Places are very limited and must be pre-booked. Contact me for availability. TinyTalk babies class aimed at the birth to 18 months age range.
Directions:The church hall is at the bottom of the churchyard, near the swing bridge and facing the Manchester Ship Canal.
In-person class

Wednesday, 11:00am - 12:00pm

All Saints Church Hall Crow Lane East Newton le Willows WA12 9TY

£7.50 per family per class
Note:Places are very limited and must be pre-booked. Contact me for availability. This is a TinyTalk babies class aimed at the birth to 18 months age range.
Directions:The church and the hall are located on the same side of the road, and a short distance from the library,
In-person class

Thursday, 11:15am - 12:15pm

St Mary's Church Hall Crouchley Lane Lymm WA13 0AS

£7.50 per family per class
Note:Places are very limited and must be pre-booked. Contact me for availability. This is a TinyTalk babies class aimed at the birth to 18 months age range.
Directions:The church hall is separate to the church, situated with it's own car park just off to the right of the road heading towards the rugby club.
In-person class

Friday, 9:30am - 10:30am

St James' Church Hall Canons Road Great Sankey Warrington WA5 1EU

£7.50 per family per class
Note:Places are very limited and must be pre-booked. Contact me for availability. This is a TinyTalk babies class aimed at the birth to 18 months age range.
Directions:The church is opposite Hood Lane North, on the right side of the road when travelling from Cromwell Avenue.

Toddler Talking

In-person class

Tuesday, 10:00am - 11:00am

St Thomas' Church Hall Ellesmere Road Stockton Heath Warrington WA4 6DS

£7.50 per family per class
Note:Places are very limited and must be pre-booked. Contact me for availability. This is a TinyTalk Toddler classes aimed at the 18 months - 3 years age range.
Directions:The church hall is at the bottom of the churchyard, near the swing bridge and facing the Manchester Ship Canal.
In-person class

Wednesday, 9:30am - 10:30am

All Saints Church Hall Crow Lane East Newton le Willows WA12 9TY

£7.50 per family per class
Note:Places are very limited and must be pre-booked. Contact me for availability. This is a TinyTalk Toddler classes aimed at the 18 months - 3 years age range.
Directions:The church and the hall are located on the same side of the road, and a short distance from the library,
In-person class

Thursday, 9:45am - 10:45am

St Mary's Church Hall Crouchley Lane Lymm WA13 0AS

£7.50 per family per class
Note:Places are very limited and must be pre-booked. Contact me for availability. This is a TinyTalk Toddler classes aimed at the 18 months - 3 years age range.
Directions:The church hall is separate to the church, situated with it's own car park just off to the right of the road heading towards the rugby club.
In-person class

Friday, 11:00am - 12:00pm

St James' Church Hall Canons Road Great Sankey Warrington WA5 1EU

£7.50 per family per class
Note:Places are very limited and must be pre-booked. Contact me for availability. This is a TinyTalk Toddler classes aimed at the 18 months - 3 years age range.
Directions:The church is opposite Hood Lane North, on the right side of the road when travelling from Cromwell Avenue.

Special Offers

  • SUMMER TERM 2025 open for booking:
    The Summer Term 2025 is now open to book with classes for newborns, babies and toddlers in Stockton Heath, Newton le Willows, Lymm and Great Sankey. Get in touch to book.
  • TinyTalk Newborns Communication Workshop :
    The newborn communication workshop is series of 6 classes; a fascinating journey through your tiny baby’s world, it gently introduces you to the invaluable world of baby signing. Your baby must be 12 weeks (age adjusted if premature) or under at the start of the workshop. The next workshop starts in June 2025. Places will be limited.
  • 3 week taster - Toddler Talking Class:
    Not been to TinyTalk before and have a frustrated toddler? Come and try our TinyTalk Toddler Talking class. The 3 week taster block costs £20 and will give you and your little person a chance to see what happens in our toddler classes and how they’ll be able to help. Subject to class availability.
  • Join at any time in the term:
    As the classes are recapped regularly and signs repeated often - you can join a term at any time. Contact me to check availability.

Our term dates

  • Dates this term
  • 25 February - 04 April
  • Dates next term
  • 29 April - 23 May
  • 03 June - 18 July

Please complete this form to enquire about the class detailed below. Click the 'SUBMIT' button to
send the form details to me and I will then contact you shortly.


Here are the details of your place for the term*. Please make sure that you have your credit card or PayPal account details ready. Then just click the Buy Now button below to proceed to the PayPal payment website.

(* or the rest of the term if the term has begun.)


Please fill out the form below to book your place for the term*. After pressing 'PROCEED TO
at the bottom, you'll be directed to a payment page. Please ensure you have
read the terms and conditions before booking. Thanks!

(* or the rest of the term if the term has begun.)

Please fill out the form below. We'll then contact you if a place becomes free.