Welcome to my TinyTalk gallery!
Thank you Danielle for making us feel so welcome and giving us something to look forward to each week.
STORY: We've been going to sign lessons with TinyTalk Lincoln since my son was 4 months old and is now 9 months old. A couple of months ago on a long drive with him on my own, he became upset and was able to sign that he wanted milk to me in the mirror. I was able to pull off at the next services and feed him. The ability to communicate what he wanted saved a lot of distress and confusion for both of us.
We love TinyTalk! We've been attending since my little girl was 2 weeks old and 9 months on we still love it as much as our first class.
Absolutely love TinyTalk! Danielle is fab and we've been attending for over a year now.
It's a fantastic group. Seeing all the children interact, sing and sign, it's amazing. Danielle is such a natural teacher.
Really enjoy these classes, lots of singing and playing whilst learning signs. Plus a nice cuppa and biscuit for mummy social time
Hugely recommend Danielle. I can already communicate with my 4 month old and we are both learning British Sign Language, a skill we can both use.