Welcome to the TinyTalk classes of
Jenny Littlewood

We currently have an intermittent issue with our emails. If you have enquired about a class and I haven’t got back to you, I am very sorry but the message may not have got through to me. Please text or WhatsApp me on 07944 426 976.

Hi, I’m Jenny! I run the Tiny Talk classes in south east Hertfordshire.
I started signing with my youngest son, and was immediately hooked when I realised that
young babies are capable of using sign language to communicate well before they are able to speak. It makes the difficult job of parenting so much easier when your baby can tell you what they want!
The TinyTalk baby classes teach you and your child BSL signs through songs and rhymes, we have sensory activities and the all important refreshment break which gives you a chance to have a hot drink and chat with other parents in the area.

Meet Jenny...

Children:Henry (11 years) and Ben (4 years)

Location:Waltham Cross

Favourite Sign:Turtle - it’s just really cute!

Qualifications:FCA Chartered Accountant in my other life!

Favourite Film:I love all the Harry Potter films!

Secret Passion:I love doing some crochet to relax when I get the time - you might see crocheted animals in class

I love baby signing because:A signing baby is a happy baby! And there is no better sound in the world than a giggling baby!

Read more about JennyCLOSE THIS PANEL

Our current classes:

Baby Signing

In-person class

Tuesday, 9:30am - 10:30am

Tesco Community Room Tesco Brookfield Cheshunt EN8 0TA

£8.00 per family per class
£77.00 for this term's classes
Directions:The community room is inside the Tesco store - heard to the back, and look for the door next to the in store bakery department
In-person class

Tuesday, 11:00am - 12:00pm

Tesco Community Room Tesco Brookfield Cheshunt EN8 0TA

£0.00 per family per class
£77.00 for this term's classes
Directions:The community room is inside the Tesco store - heard to the back, and look for the door next to the in store bakery department

Special Offers

  • Pay as you go trial classes:
    I usually have pay as you go spaces available if you would like to try out a class before committing to a term, or if you need a more flexible option. Please message me to discuss and book your space.

Please complete this form to enquire about the class detailed below. Click the 'SUBMIT' button to
send the form details to me and I will then contact you shortly.


Here are the details of your place for the term*. Please make sure that you have your credit card or PayPal account details ready. Then just click the Buy Now button below to proceed to the PayPal payment website.

(* or the rest of the term if the term has begun.)


Please fill out the form below to book your place for the term*. After pressing 'PROCEED TO
at the bottom, you'll be directed to a payment page. Please ensure you have
read the terms and conditions before booking. Thanks!

(* or the rest of the term if the term has begun.)

Please fill out the form below. We'll then contact you if a place becomes free.