Welcome to the TinyTalk classes of
Leah Cowan

My name is Leah and I am your local TinyTalk teacher on the Wirral.
I am a teacher with over 30 years of experience in education. I first became aware of TinyTalk 18 years ago when I was looking for a baby signing class for my son. I have a great interest in communication in the early years so I am particularly drawn to what TinyTalk classes offer families. It’s amazing when a little one communicates
in sign before they can talk as it opens up a whole world of sharing your little one’s thoughts, wants, needs and not become frustrated.

In the TinyTalk classes, there will be a theme each week. The first half hour, we will learn the week’s core signs (we use signs from British Sign Language). We will practise the core signs through singing familiar nursery rhymes and songs and in the mix we’ll have fun with musical instruments and enjoy sensory activities with lots of stimulation to engage the little ones.
After the activities, parents and carers have a chance to socialise and catch up with other adults over a cup of tea or coffee. I remember the days when I attended a group with my son, I found time for a coffee and a chat was a great support and time to relax. It is also an opportunity for extra time for baby sign support.

The classes are suitable from birth-18 months old. They are fun, relaxed and are 1 hour long.
I am very excited and happy about starting my journey as a TinyTalk teacher and would love you to join me on a signing journey with your baby!
If you do want to come along to one of my classes, please do get in touch!

Meet Leah...

Children:Jim, William and Sarah


Favourite Sign:'Well done!' it's a happy and feel good sign.

Qualifications:Teacher of the Deaf Children, B.Ed Hons Mathematics, CACDP BSL Level 1 and 2

Favourite Film:Bank of Dave. It's funny and inspiring.

I most admire:Altruistic Random acts of kindness.

I love baby signing because:It opens up the world of communication for all. It 's fun and magical to see a little one communicate what they are thinking and wanting before they can talk.

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Our current classes:

Baby Signing

In-person class

Monday, 10:00am - 11:00am

St Peter's Centre, Lower Heswall Village Road Heswall CH60 0DZ

£7.50 per family per class
In-person class

Friday, 10:00am - 11:00am

Hoylake Community Centre The Parade Hoyle Road Hoylake CH47 3AG

£7.50 per family per class
In-person class

Friday, 1:30pm - 2:30pm

Wallasey Village Library 40 Wallasey Village Wallasey CH44 2DH

£7.50 per family per class

Special Offers

    JUST £7.50 FOR A TRIAL CLASS Fancy doing baby signing but you would like to see what it is all about first? Why not join us for your first class for the single price of £7.50 to see how great it really is! Enquire under the relevant class link.

Our term dates

  • Dates this term
  • 21 February - 31 March

Please complete this form to enquire about the class detailed below. Click the 'SUBMIT' button to
send the form details to me and I will then contact you shortly.


Here are the details of your place for the term*. Please make sure that you have your credit card or PayPal account details ready. Then just click the Buy Now button below to proceed to the PayPal payment website.

(* or the rest of the term if the term has begun.)


Please fill out the form below to book your place for the term*. After pressing 'PROCEED TO
at the bottom, you'll be directed to a payment page. Please ensure you have
read the terms and conditions before booking. Thanks!

(* or the rest of the term if the term has begun.)

Please fill out the form below. We'll then contact you if a place becomes free.